Thursday, September 13, 2012

Summer Reading Question 9/14

What genre would you classify Monster under? Who is the audience for this text? What is the message?  Why? Be sure to back your argument up with a specific example.


  1. The genre of Monster is a mystery. The audience for this text is for teenagers in High School. This is for this audience because this is a time in their lives when they meet new people and encounter new challenges. This books message explains that if you surround yourself with good people you will influence good ideas and stay away from the bad people and choices in life.

  2. I think that the gernre of monster is mystery. I think that the audience is teens. The message for this book is that if your a part something bad but dont do anything your still going to get in truble. Your going to because you knew what was going to happen but you didnt do anything to stop it so therefore you were sort of a part of it and thats enough to get you in trouble. Like in the story all steve did was make sure no one was in the store and because he did that one little thing he got in trouble. Even if all he did was make sure no one was in the store.
